工作室業務/‭ ‬開發帽子,首飾品系列產品
軟裝家飾品(coming soon)

特色‭ ‬/‭ ‬傳承英式傳統製帽工藝製作飾品,全手工製作。


After graduating from Birmingham City University‭, ‬Xin Wen launched her own brand‭, ‬Espiègle‭ ‬in 2015‭. ‬Redefining the art of millinery with fun‭, ‬passion and‭ ‬
literal skill‭, ‬Wen’s bold creations are transforming the hat world‭. ‬Blending her fearless imagination with a more accessible sensibility‭, ‬she creates amazing and unexpected head adornments for every occasion‭. ‬Wen learnt a range of new handmade skills and techniques during her stay in the UK from dyeing and blocking to‭ ‬cutting and embroidery‭, ‬which she brought back to China‭, ‬allowing her to create a vibrant‭, ‬cross-cultural bridge of design excellence in a new environment‭. ‬It’s no surprise that due to her avant-garde aesthetic‭, ‬her elegantly energetic works of art have been featured in the likes of Bazaar‭, ‬Cosmopolitan‭, ‬Little Thing and Coco Magazine‭.‬